Email Management with M-Files and managing your M-Files™ ECM content from within Outlook. The M-Files Outlook integration
The affinity™ M-Files Outlook integration provides users with easy access to their M-Files ECM repository through the Microsoft Outlook interface for email filing, and supporting Outlook centric workers working with M-Files content within Outlook.
The M-Files Outlook integration provides brings M-Files content into the Outlook UI by exposing M-Files views as folder structures in the Outlook navigation panel, retaining the Outlook way of working with the list panel, preview panel and Navigation Panel all used to work with content.
Benefits of M-Files Outlook integration:
• Ease of connection to M-Files views can be easily searched for and chosen to add to the Outlook navigation (easy setup)
• Advanced Filing with the Repstor assist add-on, provides suggested filing locations for email and documents and also provides Luggage Tag functionality to ensure important email conversations are automatically or semi-automatically captured.
• Easy to use client providing easy and efficient access to M-Files ECM repository content for users from Outlook
• Full fidelity for filed Email means users can work with filed email exactly as they can with items in their inbox (forward/reply/order/filter/search and many other Outlook features are supported)
• Provides a rich Outlook interface for both legacy and new systems in parallel giving users access to multiple systems at the same time
• Access M-Files ECM content within views rendered as a folder hierarchy in Outlook – available on and offline. Repstor affinity M-Files ECM connector is a full offline client, providing access, addition and editing while offline. This allows users to have browsing capability of content in the M-Files repository both online and offline
• Add Files or Emails to M-Files ECM from Outlook: Users can file content from Windows Explorer, Outlook folders and similar applications to M-Files locations through Repstor affinity’s Quick File functionality or drag and drop.
• Use Repstor affinity to copy or transfer documents between existing/legacy repositories and the M-Files repository.
Repstor is an M-Files CAP Partner
Get in touch with us to book a demo of our multiple repository support
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