Repstor affinity/assist Release Notes 3.0.3
  Changes in 3.0.3
  New features in 3.0.1/3.0.2
  Bug fixes in 3.0.1/3.0.2
  New Features for 3.0 release
  Bug Fixes in 3.0 release
  Outstanding Issues
  Changes in 3.0.3
SYN-855 Repstor now supports synchronizing with libraries and lists where the default view is configured as having no folders. There must be another view that supports folders.
SYN-1586 When using Outlook 2016 with Repstor affinity there was an issue that caused the Windows Search indexer to crash. This issue appears to be a problem within Outlook 2016 and we have raised a support request with Microsoft to resolve the problem. Repstor affinity 3.0.3 includes a change to prevent the crash under these conditions but results in Repstor affinity not being searchable within Outlook.
  New features in 3.0.1/3.0.2
SYN-1561 The list of repositories in Repstor affinity can be exported and imported to ease device migration.
SYN-1540 It is now possible to detect email duplicates when using headers with SharePoint repositories. Contact support for more details.
SYN-1560 Attach Items via Quick File is now available in Meeting Requests and Task items.
SYN-1515 When attaching a Repstor document via the Attach Items dialog warn the user if there is a more recent version available on the server.
SYN-1520 Improved Trim property and view support.
SYN-1522 Improved email metadata capture for WorkSite.
SYN-1535 Added read only property support for Meridio.
SYN-1565 If Repstor Drive is installed and a repository is being added a new option is available to open the repository in Repstor Drive once it's available.
SYN-1543 Minor improvements to Import Folder.
SYN-1523 Support is added to disable searching for folders when searching for WorkSite Repositories.
SYN-1527 Support is added to the WorkSite filter to display properties like client and matter as "id <description>" instead of just "description".
SYN-1533 Support is added to WorkSite filter for role based security.
SYN-1539 Support is added to WorkSite to edit existing version or create new version of content.
Set DWORD registry setting WorkSiteSync.EditDocumentNewVersionButton to 1 to display "Edit New Version" button. The existing "Edit Document" button will then edit existing versions instead of creating new versions.
SYN-1544 Improvements to mark emails as filed when filed to Repstor affinity.
SYN-1512 It is now possible to rename folders that are synchronized into Outlook through extensibility. This allows for giving friendly names based on metadata to SharePoint folders. Ask support for more information.
Bug fixes in 3.0.1/3.0.2
SYN-1538 Improved compatibility with Windows 10. Conflicts and error messages are now displayed correctly using Window 10 notifications.
SYN-1478 Improved compatibility for Microsoft Office 2016 specifically with Repstor Drive.
SYN-1516 An issue was resolved which could lead to a pending change not being automatically synced if there was a large backlog of syncing folders.
SYN-1524 For WorkSite, support is added to display a dialog with checkout user name if the document is already checked out when user clicks "Edit document". The user will now have the option to cancel checkout from this dialog to avoid conflicts.
SYN-1568 Repstor assist now limits the number of documents analysed per trained folder to 30 to avoid excessive memory usage. Contact support for steps to configure this limit.
SYN-1549 Copying a document between two Drive folders using Windows Explorer in some cases incorrectly displayed an error when the operation was successful.
SYN-1557 An issue was resolved when emailing regular attachments in draft emails a warning could be displayed in some cases that the Repstor document could not be converted.
SYN-1558 In previous versions, under certain circumstances folders would fail to sync if they Repstor had not been used for a long period of time. This is now resolved.
SYN-1563 Improved support for very large SharePoint documents.
SYN-1566 Support was added to automatically include additional Exchange folders in the Quick File folder index.
SYN-1567 There was an issue where in some rare circumstances clicking on a Search Folder could cause an access violation.
SYN-1517 An issue was resolved which caused Repstor Drive to fail on non English systems.
New Features for 3.0 release
SYN-1376 When editing a number of items properties It is now possible to apply changes to a specific subset of the items.
SYN-1359 You can now add items to Taxonomy fields entries from within the taxonomy picker dialog
SYN-1370 SharePoint taxonomy fields now have auto suggestion for known terms.
SYN-804 Person and Group fields now show a search field to suggest known users and groups within SharePoint. Users can also enter alternative names if the suggestions are incomplete.
SYN-1284 To make adding repositories easier searching new repositories is presented before manually adding a location.
SYN-1289 The Repstor ribbon buttons have been reorganized in Outlook to move the less frequently used items in the Home tab to the Repstor and Folder tabs.
SYN-862 It is now possible to generate a PDF file for Word documents by right clicking on the word document and choosing "Generate PDF". The conversion uses Word's in-built PDF conversion, and outputs the results to the same folder. During the PDF conversion, the document is inspected and any document properties, revision information or comments are removed from the resulting PDF document. This inspection can be switched off through configuration.
SYN-1298 Support was added to allow CentralRepository lists with more than 5000 items. Contact support for more details.
SYN-1481 Support was added to configure repository folders as "No downloads". Items will be uploaded when added to these folders but no items will be downloaded. After successful upload the items are removed from the affinity folder.
SYN-1319 To help display the context of documents and messages in searches, this release introduces an Open Parent Folder to open the parent folder of any found message or document.
SYN-1438 Within the Jump to Folder and QuickFile dialogs it is now possible to search beneath a found folder, or create a new sub folder of a found folder.
SYN-1452 It is now possible to attach items to draft emails using the Quick File window to quickly search for folders and browse the folder contents.
SYN-1324 Company wide license keys can now be set via Group Policy in addition to the installer command line option.
SYN-1357 Explicit support was added for Link to a Document items in SharePoint. These items are displayed as properties only allowing access to the link to access the target document. Contact support for configuration changes required when the target URL points to a different server.
SYN-1285 The View Document button has been added to the reading pane toolbar.
SYN-1279 This feature allows the naming convention for filed .msg files to be set rather than using only the subject field
SYN-1344 Performance of WorkSite and FileShare synchronization has been improved, including the performance of header only downloads.
SYN-1371 Support is added to search WorkSite for documents when the Worksite server is available. "Search WorkSite" button is hidden by default, to make visible set visible="true" in ribbon-xml.xml for button with id "SearchWorkSite"
SYN-1386 Document set and custom SharePoint folder properties can now be displayed (read-only) by selecting Folder Properties from the Repstor affinity folder context menu, or within the folder ribbon tab.
SYN-1151 Repstor affinity defaults settings were updated to enable header only syncing, view synchronization and content and folder deletion.
SYN-1388 WorkSite properties are now available in Outlook listviews. Two WorkSite views are now created in Outlook for Worksite folders. One called Document and the other called Email. The default view is document unless the folder has an email prefix configured in WorkSite.
SYN-1395 A new option was added to automatically discard all duplicates when adding items to a Repstor folder without prompting. Contact support for more details.
SYN-1418 It is now possible to compare two Word documents in Repstor by selecting both and right clicking to view the new context menu.
SYN-1394 Outlook conversation properties can now be stored in SharePoint when adding emails. This allows grouping of conversations when browsing SharePoint directly. Contact support for more details.
SYN-1420 When saving an Office document to Repstor affinity only the filename is prompted for if there are no required fields.
SYN-1473 Send and File functionality can now copy the messages into Sent Items as well as filing them within the Repstor affinity folder. This is dependent on the settings for assist for move/copy of items on filing.
SYN-1474 The Send and File functionality now will allow filing to non-Repstor folders.
SYN-1160 Expiring of folders which have not been browsed recently has been expanded to allow expiration to headers, immediate expiration as you browse, and ability to expire if space is low.
SYN-1419 Precedent documents used with Custodian can have metadata values for the SharePoint document inserted into the document content.
SYN-1427 The maximum number of results displayed in the Quick File / Jump to Folder dialog is now configurable.
SYN-1303 It is now possible to add fileshares using driver letters instead of UNC paths e.g. d:\docs .
SYN-1434 Support was added for WorkSite Luggage tags when sending email and to make WorkSite document search folders and tabs read only. Contact support for more details.
SYN-1049 Support is added to delete folders from WorkSite.
SYN-1268 Support is added to display more relevant properties for the WorkSite Repository.
SYN-1480 Support is added to checkout Worksite documents when documents are edited and to checkin the document when editing is complete. Support is also added to restrict document search folders to 200 results by default, configurable by setting WorkSiteSync.MaxRowsForSearchFolder
SYN-1397 Added the ability to synchronise Trim Classifications and update the Trim author and title properties.
SYN-1477 Affinity now supports document shortcuts to RecordPoint records.
SYN-1478 This release adds initial support for the Microsoft Office 2016 Preview.
SYN-1449 Initial support was added for Meridio repositories.
SYN-1368 Initial support was added for HighQ repositories. Contact support for additional details.
  Bug Fixes in 3.0 release
SYN-578 Jump to folder functionality now changes the focus in the folder hierarchy to the new folder.
SYN-990 Calculated columns in SharePoint are now displayed correctly without the preceding column type.
SYN-1209 The expiry actions due to disk usage or expiry after x days now applies to Disabled repositories.
SYN-1234 There was an issue where a crash would occur when logging was active and an attempt was made to log an empty string.
SYN-1261 There was an issue where files with a filename extension of ".msg" but which were not Outlook message files failed to download from the server.
SYN-1265 There was an issue where moves of documents between Worksite folders were allowed when they should not have been allowed.
SYN-1266 There was an issue where on some WorkSite systems the Contents of a folder could not be synchronized.
SYN-1276 SharePoint folder based content types are no longer displayed in the Add Document menu.
SYN-1282 Improvements to match how SharePoint escapes certain characters.
SYN-1290 Improved support for non Email .msg files in Repstor.
SYN-1317 Resolved an issue when attaching or forwarding Repstor items that meant that the received emails attachments couldn't be opened.
SYN-1321 Resolved an issue that could cause Repstor affinity to fail to display Custodian ribbon buttons in certain versions of Office.
SYN-1326 Resolved an issue related to using Send and File when Offline Cache mode is not enabled.
SYN-1349 Previously multiple select choice fields would not filter correctly if the first value was set within Repstor affinity. They also had problems with field values that included the ampersand character. Both these issues are fixed within this version
SYN-1356 If the New Folder option is disabled in SharePoint document libraries and lists Repstor affinity will not allow folders to be created.
SYN-1358 When adding SharePoint documents the Link to a Document content type is no longer listed.
SYN-1360 SharePoint taxonomy changes will now be periodically refreshed even if the SharePoint fields for the folder have not changed.
SYN-1396 Duplicate detection was updated to not detect empty files as duplicates.
SYN-1433 When Connect to Outlook is clicked in SharePoint the location is now read only and a message is displayed to indicate the name will be auto-generated if the user doesn't provide one.
SYN-1446 There was an issue where WorkSite header only download of emails did not set the email's From metadata. This is now set to the Author.
SYN-1451 An issue was resolved that in some cases would cause Office documents to not be synced after editing until after the editing Office application was closed.
SYN-1472 Messages that are double clicked within the preview will now download synchronously if the configuration entry Sync.HeaderDownloadOnPreview is switched on. Switching this on will make messages appear slowly if opened in the preview pane.
SYN-1494 There was an issue where "Sync aborted" was sometimes logged in the Sync Log after changing the Central Repository URL when the Central Repository was processed. This message will no longer appear, normal background syncs could still be aborted if in progress when the URL is changed.
SYN-1498 A problem was resolved which prevented Word, Excel and PowerPoint from saving new Repstor documents if they were configured to use a default save format other than Microsoft's Open XML formats (eg .docx, .xlsx, .pptx). Contact support for more details.
SYN-1504 An issue was resolved that could cause the Custodian precedent documents menu to fail.
  Outstanding Issues
Impact: High
SYN-1586 When using Outlook 2016 with Repstor affinity there was an issue that caused the Windows Search indexer to crash. This issue appears to be a problem within Outlook 2016 and we have raised a support request with Microsoft to resolve the problem. Repstor affinity 3.0.3 includes a change to prevent the crash under these conditions but results in Repstor affinity not being searchable within Outlook.
Impact: Medium
SYN-15 The conflict messages report SharePoint’s internal version numbers when used with SharePoint document libraries which have Checkout required or major/minor versioning enabled. These differ from the user displayed version numbers in SharePoint.
SYN-340 When custom lists are synchronized with Rich Text Fields and are displayed in the preview pane, Outlook will move the focus to the rich text field. This stops up/down arrows from working in the Outlook list view.
SYN-595 If a large number of items exist within Repstor, or within other message stores, the Outlook "Show In Conversations" can affect overall Outlook performance. This can be avoided by switching off the feature, or setting it to not show messages from other folders.
SYN-819 Repstor can appear to hang if while uploading a large number of documents, you remove a different repository.
SYN-939 In Outlook 2007 command bar buttons that are too large to be accommodated on the main toolbar can become unclickable. This can be resolved by customizing the command bar and repositioning the buttons.
SYN-954 Repstor does not currently support SharePoint forms authentication. This will be resolved in future releases.
SYN-962 The "Tell me More" links within the Repstor ribbon will display help for Lync. This is a Microsoft issue. The ribbon help should link to information on addins, but has been replaced by the Lync addin. We may workaround this issue in future releases.
Impact: Low
SYN-6 Files on file shares larger than a defined size are silently skipped during synchronizations
SYN-12 In Outlook 2007, after uninstall an empty toolbar remains in Outlook. Users can delete the empty toolbar by using the Toolbar tab in the Tools | Customize dialog.
SYN-21 Outlook 2010 and later has a default setting which blocks Repstor working with documents greater than 20MB. Contact for steps to increase the default size for Outlook 2010.
SYN-71 Dragging multiple items from a Repstor repository into a different message store will leave user property values on the message.
SYN-72 Synchronized SharePoint custom lists don’t support attachments or related content.
SYN-76 Using the "Add Document" or Import Folder functionality to add an email message file into Repstor will cause synchronization issues.
SYN-83 When SharePoint items are dragged to Explorer they are saved as an .msg file. To save the associated SharePoint document when selected in Outlook use the File | Save Attachment menu.
SYN-103 It is not possible to add document sets through the Repstor client. Document sets added on the server will be synchronized to Repstor as folders.
SYN-132 SharePoint Appointment Lists are currently unsupported.
SYN-174 Secured file shares which prompt for custom credentials can’t be added automatically. Browsing to the share in Windows Explorer or configuring Windows to remember the credentials will allow the file share to be synced.
SYN-257 Append only fields are not fully displayed with full history.
SYN-284 Adding or updating an item within Repstor affinity and cancelling the change can result in redundant prompts on existing Outlook.
SYN-287 Repstor does not support the addition of calendar entries to a repository.
SYN-321 When parent folders are changed in the Required repository list, the change is not reflected by the client.
SYN-342 Additional versions are created when Library settings don't demand check out. This will result in versions increasing in twos.
SYN-343 Required multi-choice fields can be saved in Repstor without providing a value. SharePoint will flag missing fields as an error during synchronization.
SYN-345 When using Quick Print only the item headers are printed
SYN-353 There is limited (read-only) support for external lists. List items do not display properly in the preview pane.
SYN-417 CanAddRepsoitories Registry setting is not honored by Connect to Outlook
SYN-435 Synchronized Outlook post messages are not displayed correctly in Outlook 2013
SYN-441 Users may be prompted to save changes on the properties form when no changes have been made
SYN-447 If an item is dragged and dropped within Repstor from one folder to another which has been deleted server-side, the move will be successful, and the folder will then be deleted by Repstor. The deleted item is moved to the "Local Failures" folder.
SYN-448 Errors generated when synching fileshares cannot be viewed
SYN-489 Lookup values are not populated from all docs in a library - they are only populated from the first level of document items.
SYN-511 Reminders are not supported for Repstor items
SYN-548 Taxonomy field values which are changed have the ID visible before synchronisation occurs.
SYN-561 Editing with no changes in marks items as new when the cancel checkout is synchronized.
SYN-564 When resolving a conflict, if the actual content of the file is not changed within the client, selecting "Keep Local Version" will overwrite the content with the new server version content.
SYN-654 When creating a new folder in Outlook, repeated synchronization of folders with invalid characters can cause folder synchronization to fail.
SYN-756 Closing outlook during training for categorization appears to show no folders categorized.
SYN-792 The Repstor protocol handler does not license correctly if two versions of Outlook are installed.
SYN-806 If the exact same folder is synchronized twice (once as a sub-folder, once directly), the folder will not be presented as a suggested folder.
SYN-812 Changes to the properties of an item does not trigger a conflict – the last change wins. This is equivalent to standard SharePoint functionality.
SYN-817 Quickfile button is enabled on RSS fields and web page folders
SYN-822 Multi-line text fields are rendered with HTML tags when added as fields in the Outlook column view.
SYN-825 Enabling a repository which has been disabled in managed repository can take some time
SYN-876 If the administrative user and windows system locale are different from the Repstor user's locale, problems can occur creating the Repstor repository. Please contact Repstor support to resolve this issue.
SYN-885 Outlook 2007: When selecting a document without a preview handler, the view document button within the preview page will not launch the document correctly. Choosing View Document from the command bar will launch the document correctly.
SYN-891 Files larger than SharePoint limits will fail to be uploaded and return an error from Repstor.
SYN-892 After uninstall the Repstor affinity message store remains in Outlook.
This is by design, if required the user can remove the Repstor message store manually.
SYN-893 Parent folder settings cannot be edited once assigned – the repositories must be removed and re-added.
SYN-894 OneNote content is not supported for content synchronization.
SYN-916 Import Folder may fail to import certain documents based on invalid characters in their filename. The Import Folder log will list any documents that fail to import.
SYN-918 When folders are created within Outlook, they will be created as soon as possible within the target Repository. This will occur regardless of synchronization settings.
SYN-925 If Send Link is chosen for an item in a custom (non-document) list, the URL generated will be incorrect.
SYN-929 Property validation for number fields will not localize the display of number formats. They will be displayed in SharePoint's native format.
SYN-943 With duplicate detection enabled, when importing a folder which contains duplicates, you receive a duplicate warning for each duplicate detected. Future releases will limit the duplication prompts.
SYN-971 If a batch of items is downloaded, but the synchronization is requeued to get the next batch, the status within the folder synchronization can indicate download is complete. It does not show the fact that further downloads are queued.
SYN-1004 Adding a new column to a SharePoint view can take a long time to synchronize with the Repstor affinity view. Resynchronizing the entire repository can resolve this issue.
SYN-1018 Header only synchronization will only download the minimum of information initially. For emails, this information will be populated from Email Submission fields, or if those aren't available then from the SharePoint properties. this can lead to headers being displayed with incorrect "From" or "Received" fields. Downloading the complete full items will set the fields correctly.
SYN-1029 WorkSite documents that are declared as records will not be deleted by Repstor. The documents will appear to be deleted, but in the next synchronization will reappear.
SYN-1035 Saving a document from Word to an existing Repstor folder which contains a document of the same name will fail if the document in Repstor is currently synchronized as a header.
SYN-1354 Due to a limitation in the WorkSite SDK it is possible for multiple updates on a document within a second to appear as a single change. Although this is unlikely it could lead to the local WorkSite document being out of date.